
Since Jekyll is available in Official Debian repository, Jekyll Installation on Debian is Easy. Just issue this command to install system wide Jekyll gem, and Debian will take care of Jekyll’s dependencies.

$ apt-get install jekyll

Install Ruby

Let’s not make this guidance too short, and play for a while.

To check whether Ruby installed or not, you can issue dpkg command in your shell..

$ dpkg -l 'ruby*'

If you are using ruby* instead of just ruby word, there will be bunch of ruby packages coming in the list.

Using dpkg to check Ruby Installation

Install Jekyll

Installing Jekyll in Debian means installing Jekyll Official Plugin. Although you might not need them, it has its advantage. You don’t need to worry about missing plugin while cloning a blog from github.

$ apt install jekyll

Using apt to install Jekyll

Running Jekyll

Let’s see if Jekyll works

$ jekyll -v
$ jekyll --help

Prepare your directory. And run Jekyll in your directory.

$ cd /media/Works/Development/
$ mkdir test-jekyll
$ cd test-jekyll
$ jekyll new .
$ ls -l

You will see, some new directory and files required to run a simple Jekyll Blog.

$ jekyll build
$ jekyll serve

Running Jekyll Server

You should see the site in your favorite browser running on port 4000.

Thank you for reading.