
My tutorial template require a sidebar menu with tree capability. There are many types of sidebar menus with tree capability

  • Show all tree node opened.

  • Show all tree node collapsed, except current url opened. Using javascript.

  • Show all tree node collapsed, except current url opened. Using serverside, or static page.

Using Liquid template we will have all tree node opened. We will discuss a more complex example in next post.


There’s nothing special, and you can see required css for sidemenu navigation here.

It has been said a thousand times that Jekyll doesn’t support database connection. But we have YAML data as a workaround. And actually I find that reading yaml is easier when it comes to tree, compared with tweaking RDBMS.

We need three fields for each branch [title, url, and submenu tree node] Let’s see our sample _data/navigation_wm.yml to hold my Window Manager (WM) menu.

# Site navigation links

- title: Preface
  url: /pages/desktop/index
  - title: Difference WM/DE
    url: /desktop/2016/06/13/de-wm-shell-difference.html
  - title: Dotfiles

- title: Tiling WM
  url: /pages/desktop/twm
  - title: Awesome
    url: /pages/desktop/awesome
    - title: Modular
      url: /desktop/2016/07/13/modularized-awesome-preparing.html
    - title: Directory Structure
      url: /desktop/2016/07/06/modularized-awesome-structure.html
  - title: XMonad
    url: /pages/desktop/xmonad
  - title: i3
    url: /pages/desktop/i3

See a complete tree in github

To make the page flexible, let’s decouple the data source name from the processing file.

In the layout file _layouts/page-sidemenu.html we will pass the variable name:

  {% include layout/sidemenu.html 
     menusource =

In the include file _includes/layout/sidemenu.html we will use the variable as below:

  <ul class="nav" id="menu">
  {% for link in include.menusource %}
  {% endfor %}

A Very Simple Loop

We will use the data field wisely to create a very simple menu. This _sidemenu.html will produce side bar menu with no tree.

A very simple menu without tree

Don’t worry if it is looks complex, it is just html formatting.

  <ul class="nav" id="menu">
  {% for link in include.menusource %}
    {% if link.url contains 'http' %}
      {% assign domain = '' %}
    {% else %}
      {% assign domain = site.url %}
    {% endif %}
    {% if link.url == page.url%}
    <li class="active">{% else %}<li>
    {% endif %}
      <span class="fa fa-list"></span>
      <a class="page-link" href="{{ domain }}{{ link.url }}" 
        {% if link.url contains 'http' %}target="_blank"{% endif %}>
        <span class="collapse in">{{ link.title }}</span>
        {% if link.url == page.url%}
        <span class="sr-only">(current)</span>
        {% endif %}
  {% endfor %}

Adding Tree Level

Since we have three levels, we need to add two more loops. Each inside another.

  <ul class="nav" id="menu">
  {% for link in include.menusource %}
    {% if link.submenu %}
       {% for sublink in link.submenu %}
         {% if sublink.submenu %}
             {% for subsublink in sublink.submenu %}
             {% endfor %}
         {% endif %}
       {% endfor %}
    {% endif %}
  {% endfor %}

This will produce a simple tree menu with all node opened.

A simple tree menu with all node opened

Complete Code

This original code is going to be long.

  <!--ul class="nav nav-sidebar"-->
  <ul class="nav" id="menu">
  {% for link in include.menusource %}
    {% if link.url contains 'http' %}
      {% assign domain = '' %}
    {% else %}
      {% assign domain = site.url %}
    {% endif %}
    {% if link.url == page.url%}
    <li class="active">{% else %}<li>
    {% endif %}
      <span class="fa fa-list"></span>
      <a class="page-link" href="{{ domain }}{{ link.url }}" 
        {% if link.url contains 'http' %}target="_blank"{% endif %}>
        <span class="collapse in">{{ link.title }}</span>
        {% if link.url == page.url%}
        <span class="sr-only">(current)</span>
        {% endif %}
      {% if link.submenu %}
         {% for sublink in link.submenu %}
           {% if sublink.url contains 'http' %}
             {% assign domain = '' %}
           {% else %}
             {% assign domain = site.url %}
           {% endif %}
           {% if sublink.url == page.url%}
           <li class="active">{% else %}<li>
           {% endif %}
              <span class="fa fa-chevron-right"></span>
              <a class="page-link" href="{{ domain }}{{ sublink.url }}" 
                {% if sublink.url contains 'http' %}target="_blank"{% endif %}>
                <span class="collapse in">{{ sublink.title }}</span>
                {% if sublink.url == page.url%}
                <span class="sr-only">(current)</span>
                {% endif %}
              {% if sublink.submenu %}
                 {% for subsublink in sublink.submenu %}
                   {% if subsublink.url contains 'http' %}
                     {% assign domain = '' %}
                   {% else %}
                     {% assign domain = site.url %}
                   {% endif %}
                   {% if subsublink.url == page.url%}
                   <li class="active">{% else %}<li>
                   {% endif %}
                      <span class="fa fa-asterisk"></span>
                      <a class="page-link" href="{{ domain }}{{ subsublink.url }}" 
                        {% if subsublink.url contains 'http' %}target="_blank"{% endif %}>
                        <span class="collapse in">{{ subsublink.title }}</span>
                        {% if subsublink.url == page.url%}
                        <span class="sr-only">(current)</span>
                        {% endif %}
                 {% endfor %}
              {% endif %}
         {% endfor %}
      {% endif %}
  {% endfor %}

You can see the complexity. It gets complicated when you mixed logical code (liquid) and presentation code (html formatting). We will solve this issue in the next post.