Where to Discuss?

Local Group


Goal: Show Minimal Homepage in Hexo

Here, I present a Hexo Tutorial, step by step, for beginners.

1: Install Hexo

Hexo run under NodeJS. It means you can have it in most OS, such as Windows and Linux.

$ npm install hexo-cli -g

Hexo: Install

Now you can:

$ hexo version

Hexo: Version

2: Create Project

Consider create new Hexo site, or extract the file above, in your favorites directory

$ cd /media/Works/sites

$ hexo init tutor-hexo-bulma

$ cd tutor-hexo-bulma

$ npm install

This will setup a few NPM.

Hexo: Init

And the result is these directories:

$ tree -d -I node_modules -L 3
├── scaffolds
├── source
│   └── _posts
└── themes
    └── landscape
        ├── languages
        ├── layout
        ├── scripts
        └── source

9 directories

Hexo: Tree

Notice the default landscape theme.


3: Running for the First Time

Run Server

$ hexo server

INFO  Start processing
INFO  Hexo is running at http://localhost:4000 . Press Ctrl+C to stop.

Hexo: Server

Landscape Theme

This will show you a ready to use blog, with landscape theme as default theme.

Hexo: Landsacpe Theme

I suggest you play with content in Hexo directory, before we continue to the next article.


If you want you can use more verbose output with debug option.

$ hexo server --debug

Hexo: Verbose Server with Debug Option

Multiple Hexo

It is common to work with multiple Hexo at one time, for one reason or another. You can achieve it with using other port.

$ hexo server -p 5000

Now you are ready to explore inside Hexo.

What is Next ?

Consider continue reading [ Hexo Minimal ]. We are going to make theme from scratch, with pure HTML without any CSS.

Thank you for reading.