Where to Discuss?

Local Group


Goal: Custom content output such as JSON.

Source Code

This article use tutor-06 theme. We will create it step by step.

1: Archive Data

Eleventy can read data, and can also produce data.

Frontmatter: Layout

Just set none.

For this to works, you can use something like this

permalink: pages/index.json

Page Content: JSON Example

The complete JSON example is below:

permalink: pages/index.json

{%- set posts = collections.posts -%}
{%- set postCount = posts.length -%}
{%- set cursor = 1 -%}

  {% for post in posts %}
    "{{ | date('YYMMDDmm') }}": {
      "title": "{{ }}",
      "url":   "{{ post.url }}"
    {%-if cursor != postCount %},{% endif -%}
    {%-set cursor = cursor + 1 %}
  {% endfor %}

I give an identitiy number for each post using dates and minutes. It is rarely that a person blog in the same exact dates and minutes. So I guess, giving an ID like this is valid enough.

Render: Browser

The blog list, now looks like this below:

11ty: Custom Output: Archive in JSON

Data: archives.json

Now save the output to a file called _data/archives.json.

    "15032535": {
      "title": "Deftones - Be Quiet and Drive",
      "url":   "/lyrics/deftones-be-quiet-and-drive/"
    "18091335": {
      "title": "Disturbed - Stupify",
      "url":   "/lyrics/disturbed-stupify/"
    "15071535": {
      "title": "Marilyn Manson - Sweet Dreams",
      "url":   "/lyrics/eurythmics-sweet-dreams/"
    "18011535": {
      "title": "House of Pain - Jump Around",
      "url":   "/lyrics/house-of-pain-jump-around/"
    "15072535": {
      "title": "Marilyn Manson - Redeemer",
      "url":   "/lyrics/marylin-manson-redeemer/"

11ty: Data archive.json

We are going to use this data in later chapter.

What is Next ?

Consider continue reading [ Eleventy - Nunjucks - Layout ]. We are going to revisit layouts, foucing on columns and colors.

Thank you for reading.