Goal: Generating SVG in DOM using Javascript.
Single Bezier Area
We can reuse our last MDN sample, and generate our own simple example.
The dimension size is 200 width x 200 height.
<svg xmlns=""
viewbox="0 0 200 200">
<rect x="0" y="0"
width="200" height="200"
stroke="gray" fill="transparent"/>
Path: Line
We need a temporary line as a guideline.
<path d="M 0 90
C 50 80, 50 80, 100 100
S 150 120, 200 110"
stroke="green" fill="transparent"/>
Path: Area
This is what we want to achieve. The bezier is slightly different, from the line above for aestethic purpose, by giving variant, shift point by 10 or else. It all depends on your creativity.
<path d="M 0 90
C 50 80, 70 80, 120 100
S 170 130, 200 120
L 200, 0
L 0, 0
Z 0 90"
stroke="black" fill="#2196F3"/>
We can examine the bezier line.
- Move:
M 0 90
. - Quadratic
C 50 80, 70 80, 120 100
. - Stringed
S 170 130, 200 120
Then create the border area to fit the border rectangle.
- Line:
L 200, 0
. - Line:
L 0, 0
. - Close:
Z 0 90
Try to resize the size of your browser.
Multiple Bezier Area
We can reuse our own simple example, and generate more complex painting.
Material Color
I’m going to use material color with 10 scale gradation. This means we can have ten bezier line, starting from zero (0) to nine (9).
The color choice is yours to decide. For this example, I choose blue.
We can make our life easier with stylesheet.
.box {
stroke: gray;
stroke-width: none;
fill : white;
width : 200px;
height: 200px;
.area {
stroke: none;
stroke-width: none;
.line {
stroke-width: 0.5px;
fill : transparent;
} { stroke: blue; } { stroke: green; } { stroke: red; }
Note that this is inline stylesheet. We haven’t separate into its own file yet.
Now using class, from stylesheet.
<svg xmlns=""
viewbox="0 0 200 200">
<rect x="0" y="0"
Path: Area and Line
There are so many areas, I start from only one area in the middle:
<!-- material blue 05 -->
<path d="M 0 70
C 50 60, 70 60, 120 80
S 170 110, 200 100
L 200, 0 L 0, 0 Z 0 70"
class="area" fill="#2196F3"/>
<path d="M 0 70
C 50 60, 50 60, 100 80
S 150 100, 200 90"
class="line green"/>
Try to resize the size of your browser.
You can see, that the area and the line is slightly different. We are going to have more variant, to make this more artistic.
Path: Starting Point
I shift our guidance to the first line.
<!-- material blue 00 -->
<path d="M 0 190
C 50 180, 70 180, 120 200
S 170 230, 200 320
L 200, 0 L 0, 0 Z 0 90"
class="area" fill="#E3F2FD"/>
<path d="M 0 190
C 50 180, 50 180, 100 200
S 150 220, 200 210"
class="line green"/>
I have experience difficulties while debugging. With starting point as guidance, this helps a lot.
The complete source code given in repository.
SVG as Background
This can be achieved by simply using z-index
And put the content above the SVG background.
HTML: SVG Container
From now on, we need SVG container.
Consider named the ID as svg_container
<div id="svg_container">
<svg xmlns=""
viewbox="0 0 200 160">
<rect x="0" y="0"
Stylesheet: SVG Container
#svg_container {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
right: 0;
left: 0;
height: 100%;
overflow: hidden;
z-index: -1;
Stylesheet: Hiding Temporary Guidelines
You can switch, turned in on or off. Anytime you like. { stroke: blue; } { stroke: green; stroke-width: 0px; } { stroke: red; }
HTML: The Content
Consider put simple content.
<div id="svg_container">
<div id="sitedesc_image"></div>
<p style="text-align: center;">
Paragraph Test on SVG Background</p>
Stylesheet: Header Image
#sitedesc_image {
width: 500px;
max-width: 100%;
background: transparent url(../blue-sfme.png) no-repeat left top;
background-size: 100% auto;
float: none;
margin-top: 0;
margin-bottom: 10px;
margin-right: auto;
margin-left: auto;
SVG: Path
It is very similar from previous path tag. We need nine bezier area. Consider this one example below:
<!-- material blue 05 -->
<path d="M 0 70
C 50 60, 70 60, 120 80
S 170 110, 200 100
L 200, 0 L 0, 0 Z 0 70"
class="area" fill="#2196F3"/>
<path d="M 0 70
C 50 60, 50 60, 100 80
S 150 100, 200 90"
class="line green"/>
Enjoy the preview.
Javascript Automation: Single Bezier
Writing bezier line from point to point is, no just a tedious task, but also error prone. Luckily we can generate the DOM with javascript.
Consider start from one line.
HTML: Head
Before we begin, consider tidy our document. Refactor into different stylesheet file.
<title>Bezier Curves</title>
<link rel="stylesheet"
<link rel="stylesheet"
HTML: Body
Also prepare the HTML body.
<div id="svg_container">
<svg xmlns=""
id="svg_root" viewbox="0 0 200 160">
<div id="sitedesc_image"></div>
<p style="text-align: center;">
Paragraph Test on SVG Background</p>
<script type="text/javascript">
Instead pouring a bunch of path tags,
we simplfy our process by using javascript.
The SVG path can be drawan inside svg_root
Javascript: Path Element
Beware that we require to use .createElementNS
to create SVG path element.
const svg_root = document.getElementById("svg_root");
line = document
Javascript: Setting Attribute
And the rest is just setting attribute.
// material blue 05
line = document
line.setAttribute("class", "area");
line.setAttribute("fill", "#2196F3");
`M 0 70
C 50 60, 70 60, 120 80
S 170 110, 200 100
L 200, 0 L 0, 0 Z 0 70`);
Simple right?
Do not fogert to check the result in inspect element.
Enjoy the preview.
What is Next ?
We can continue to paint multiple bezier line with native javascript.
Consider continue reading [ Bezier SVG - Generating Multiple Path ].
Thank you for reading.