Goal: Step by step demo of custom pagination using Bulma
I have already made an article about Bootstrap pagination in Hugo. I do not want to talk about Bulma pagination in very detail fashioned. This would be a brief summary on how I built the pagination
Source Code
You can download the source code of this article here.
Related Articles
I also wrote about Hugo Bootstrap Pagination. Step by step article, that you can read here:
1: Prepare
Prepare this sitewide configuration.
Still with tutor-05
- config.toml
theme = "tutor-05"
Pagination Limit
Pagination can be set in config.toml
Paginate = 7
We require this custom SASS
- themes/tutor-05/sass/css/_pagination.sass
+tablet a:after
content: " previous" a:before
content: "next "
2: Paginator
We will this paginator
object throughout this long article.
This paginator
would stay in archives/list.html
Paginator Filtering
In layout we are going to use
{{ $paginator := .Paginate .Site.Pages }}
Since we only show specific page kind named post, we should filter the pages using where.
{{ $paginator := .Paginate (where .Site.Pages "Type" "post") }}
Layout: List
The complete file would be as follow:
- themes/tutor-05/layouts/archives/list.html
{{ define "main" }}
<main role="main"
class="column is-full box-deco has-background-white">
<h4 class="title is-4">{{ .Title | default .Site.Title }}</h4>
<section class="section">
{{ $paginator := .Paginate (where .Site.Pages "Type" "post") }}
{{ partial "pagination/01-simple.html" (dict "p" $paginator) }}
<div class="post-list">
{{ range $paginator.Pages }}
<section class="section" id="archive">
{{ partial "summary/blog-list.html" . }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
I also put the code for each process in the same file artefact. So you can easliy switch between one of the pagination.
{{ define "pagination-steps" }}
You may choose one of our pagination:
{{ partial "pagination/01-simple.html" (dict "p" $paginator) }}
{{ partial "pagination/02-number.html" (dict "p" $paginator) }}
{{ partial "pagination/03-adjacent.html" (dict "p" $paginator "s" .Scratch) }}
{{ partial "pagination/04-indicator.html" (dict "p" $paginator "s" .Scratch) }}
{{ partial "pagination/05-responsive.html" (dict "p" $paginator "s" .Scratch) }}
{{ partial "pagination/06-screenreader.html" (dict "p" $paginator "s" .Scratch) }}
{{ end }}
In order to pass variable from list layout to pagination partial, we utilize dictionary: (dict “p” $paginator).
{{ $paginator := .Paginate (where .Site.Pages "Type" "post") }}
{{ partial "pagination-simple.html" (dict "p" $paginator) }}
Testing Pagination
While debugging, or development process, we can do this to override sitewide paginate configuration. Here we can use 5 articles for each pagination page.
{{ $paginator := .Paginate (where .Site.Pages "Type" "post") 5 }}
This is a very helpful trick for me.
To make it easy to count, I’m going to use exactly ten pages, so we can have exactly ten pagination. We can achieve this using
{{ $paginator := .Paginate (where .Site.Pages "Type" "post") 1 }}
Make sure you have only ten content with post
Comment the type just in case you need.
# type = "post"
title = "Everyday I Ask"
3: Simple
Goal: Pagination for dummies, a simple introduction.
This is what we want to achieve in this tutorial.
We will achieve this with Hugo code.
Layout: List
Change our previous blog list to use this paginator below:
- themes/tutor-05/layouts/archives/list.html.
{{ $paginator := .Paginate (where .Site.Pages "Type" "post") }}
{{ partial "pagination/01-simple.html" (dict "p" $paginator) }}
Partial: Pagination Simple
Complete code is here below:
- themes/tutor-05/layouts/partials/pagination/01-simple.html :…/partials/pagination/01-simple.html.
<nav class="pagination is-small is-centered"
role="navigation" aria-label="pagination">
{{ if gt .p.TotalPages 1 }}
<!-- First Page. -->
{{ if not (eq .p.PageNumber 1) }}
<a class="pagination-previous" href="{{ .p.First.URL }}"
{{ else }}
<a class="pagination-previous" title="This is the first page"
{{ end }}
<!-- Previous Page. -->
{{ if .p.HasPrev }}
<a class="pagination-previous" href="{{ .p.Prev.URL }}"
{{ else }}
<a class="pagination-previous" title="This is the first page"
{{ end }}
<!-- Indicator Number. -->
<a class="pagination-link"
disabled>Page: {{ .p.PageNumber }} of {{ .p.TotalPages }}</a>
<!-- Next Page. -->
{{ if .p.HasNext }}
<a class="pagination-next" href="{{ .p.Next.URL }}"
{{ else }}
<a class="pagination-next" title="This is the last page"
{{ end }}
<!-- Last Page. -->
{{ if not (eq .p.PageNumber .p.TotalPages) }}
<a class="pagination-next" href="{{ .p.Last.URL }}"
{{ else }}
<a class="pagination-next" title="This is the last page"
{{ end }}
<!-- Dummy. Do not delete! -->
<ul class="pagination-list">
{{ end }}
Browser: Pagination Preview
Consider check out the result:
- 480px screen wide
- 640px screen wide
- 800px screen wide
How does it works ?
You can see the detail in bootstrap article.
4: Number
Goal: Pagination for dummies, list all of page.
This is what we want to achieve in this tutorial.
We will achieve this with Hugo code.
Layout: List
Change our previous blog list to use this paginator below:
- themes/tutor-05/layouts/archives/list.html.
{{ $paginator := .Paginate (where .Site.Pages "Type" "post") }}
{{ partial "pagination/02-number.html" (dict "p" $paginator) }}
Partial: Pagination Number
Complete code is here below:
- themes/tutor-05/layouts/partials/pagination/02-number.html :…/partials/pagination/02-number.html.
<nav class="pagination is-small is-centered"
role="navigation" aria-label="pagination">
{{ if gt .p.TotalPages 1 }}
<!-- First Page. -->
{{ if not (eq .p.PageNumber 1) }}
<a class="pagination-previous" href="{{ .p.First.URL }}"
{{ else }}
<a class="pagination-previous" title="This is the first page"
{{ end }}
<!-- Previous Page. -->
{{ if .p.HasPrev }}
<a class="pagination-previous" href="{{ .p.Prev.URL }}"
{{ else }}
<a class="pagination-previous" title="This is the first page"
{{ end }}
<!-- Next Page. -->
{{ if .p.HasNext }}
<a class="pagination-next" href="{{ .p.Next.URL }}"
{{ else }}
<a class="pagination-next" title="This is the last page"
{{ end }}
<!-- Last Page. -->
{{ if not (eq .p.PageNumber .p.TotalPages) }}
<a class="pagination-next" href="{{ .p.Last.URL }}"
{{ else }}
<a class="pagination-next" title="This is the last page"
{{ end }}
<ul class="pagination-list">
<!-- Page numbers. -->
{{ $pagenumber := .p.PageNumber }}
{{ range .p.Pagers }}
{{ if not (eq $pagenumber .PageNumber) }}
<a href="{{ .URL }}" class="pagination-link"
aria-label="Goto page {{ .PageNumber }}">
{{ .PageNumber }}
{{ else }}
<a class="pagination-link is-current"
aria-label="Page {{ .PageNumber }}">
{{ .PageNumber }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
Browser: Pagination Preview
Consider check out the result:
- 480px screen wide
- 640px screen wide
- 800px screen wide
How does it works ?
You can see the detail in bootstrap article.
5: Adjacent
This is actually, an advance pagination. Not so for dummies.
Goal: Explaining Glenn McComb Pagination using Math and Table.
I respect copyright. The code below copied, and pasted from:
I made a slight modification. But of course the logic remain the same.
I mostly write it down in my blog, because I do not want to forget what I learn. An easier place for me to find the modified version of this good code.
Layout: List
Change our previous blog list to use this paginator below:
- themes/tutor-05/layouts/archives/list.html.
{{ $paginator := .Paginate (where .Site.Pages "Type" "post") }}
{{ partial "pagination/03-adjacent.html" (dict "p" $paginator "s" .Scratch) }}
Partial: Pagination Adjacent
The code is complex, but interesting for coder. Complete code is here below:
- themes/tutor-05/layouts/partials/pagination/03-adjacent.html :…/partials/pagination/03-adjacent.html.
Pagination links
<nav class="pagination is-small is-centered"
role="navigation" aria-label="pagination">
{{ $s := .s }}
{{ $p := .p }}
{{ if gt .p.TotalPages 1 }}
<ul class="pagination-list">
<!-- Page numbers. -->
{{- $pagenumber := $p.PageNumber -}}
<!-- Number of links either side of the current page. -->
{{ $adjacent_links := 2 }}
<!-- $max_links = ($adjacent_links * 2) + 1 -->
{{ $max_links := (add (mul $adjacent_links 2) 1) }}
<!-- $lower_limit = 1 + $adjacent_links -->
{{ $lower_limit := (add 1 $adjacent_links) }}
<!-- $upper_limit = $paginator.TotalPages - $adjacent_links -->
{{ $upper_limit := (sub $p.TotalPages $adjacent_links) }}
{{- range $p.Pagers -}}
{{ $s.Set "page_number_flag" false }}
<!-- Complex page numbers. -->
{{ if gt $p.TotalPages $max_links }}
<!-- Lower limit pages. -->
<!-- If the user is on a page which is in the lower limit. -->
{{ if le $p.PageNumber $lower_limit }}
<!-- If the current loop page is less than max_links. -->
{{ if le .PageNumber $max_links }}
{{ $s.Set "page_number_flag" true }}
{{ end }}
<!-- Upper limit pages. -->
<!-- If the user is on a page which is in the upper limit. -->
{{ else if ge $p.PageNumber $upper_limit }}
<!-- If the current loop page is greater than total pages minus $max_links -->
{{ if gt .PageNumber (sub .TotalPages $max_links) }}
{{ $s.Set "page_number_flag" true }}
{{ end }}
<!-- Middle pages. -->
{{ else }}
{{ if and ( ge .PageNumber (sub $p.PageNumber $adjacent_links) ) ( le .PageNumber (add $p.PageNumber $adjacent_links) ) }}
{{ $s.Set "page_number_flag" true }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
<!-- Simple page numbers. -->
{{ else }}
{{ $s.Set "page_number_flag" true }}
{{ end }}
<!-- Show Pager. -->
{{- if eq ($s.Get "page_number_flag") true -}}
{{ if not (eq $pagenumber .PageNumber) }}
<a href="{{ .URL }}" class="pagination-link"
aria-label="Goto page {{ .PageNumber }}">
{{ .PageNumber }}
{{ else }}
<a class="pagination-link is-current"
aria-label="Page {{ .PageNumber }}">
{{ .PageNumber }}
{{ end }}
{{- end -}}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
Browser: Pagination Preview
Consider check out the result:
This would result the same in any screen width.
How does it works ?
You can see the detail in bootstrap article.
6: Indicator
Goal: Add indicator, and putting all pagination part together.
This is what we want to achieve in this tutorial.
We will achieve this with Hugo code.
Layout: List
Change our previous blog list to use this paginator below:
- themes/tutor-05/layouts/archives/list.html.
{{ $paginator := .Paginate (where .Site.Pages "Type" "post") }}
{{ partial "pagination/04-indicator.html" (dict "p" $paginator "s" .Scratch) }}
Partial: Pagination Indicator
Now comes, the long code. Complete code is here below:
- themes/tutor-05/layouts/partials/pagination/04-indicator.html :…/partials/paginatio/04-indicator.html.
<nav class="pagination is-small is-centered"
role="navigation" aria-label="pagination">
{{ $s := .s }}
{{ $p := .p }}
{{ if gt .p.TotalPages 1 }}
<!-- Previous Page. -->
{{ if .p.HasPrev }}
<a class="pagination-previous" href="{{ .p.Prev.URL }}"
{{ else }}
<a class="pagination-previous" title="This is the first page"
{{ end }}
<!-- Next Page. -->
{{ if .p.HasNext }}
<a class="pagination-next" href="{{ .p.Next.URL }}"
{{ else }}
<a class="pagination-next" title="This is the last page"
{{ end }}
<ul class="pagination-list">
<!-- Page numbers. -->
{{- $pagenumber := $p.PageNumber -}}
<!-- Number of links either side of the current page. -->
{{ $adjacent_links := 2 }}
<!-- $max_links = ($adjacent_links * 2) + 1 -->
{{ $max_links := (add (mul $adjacent_links 2) 1) }}
<!-- $lower_limit = 1 + $adjacent_links -->
{{ $lower_limit := (add 1 $adjacent_links) }}
<!-- $upper_limit = $paginator.TotalPages - $adjacent_links -->
{{ $upper_limit := (sub $p.TotalPages $adjacent_links) }}
{{ if gt $p.TotalPages $max_links }}
<!-- First Page. -->
{{ if gt (sub $p.PageNumber $adjacent_links) 1 }}
<a href="{{ $p.First.URL }}" class="pagination-link"
aria-label="Goto page 1">1</a>
{{ end }}
<!-- Early (More Pages) Indicator. -->
{{ if gt (sub $p.PageNumber $adjacent_links) 2 }}
<span class="pagination-ellipsis">…</span>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{- range $p.Pagers -}}
{{ $s.Set "page_number_flag" false }}
<!-- Complex page numbers. -->
{{ if gt $p.TotalPages $max_links }}
<!-- Lower limit pages. -->
<!-- If the user is on a page which is in the lower limit. -->
{{ if le $p.PageNumber $lower_limit }}
<!-- If the current loop page is less than max_links. -->
{{ if le .PageNumber $max_links }}
{{ $s.Set "page_number_flag" true }}
{{ end }}
<!-- Upper limit pages. -->
<!-- If the user is on a page which is in the upper limit. -->
{{ else if ge $p.PageNumber $upper_limit }}
<!-- If the current loop page is greater than total pages minus $max_links -->
{{ if gt .PageNumber (sub .TotalPages $max_links) }}
{{ $s.Set "page_number_flag" true }}
{{ end }}
<!-- Middle pages. -->
{{ else }}
{{ if and ( ge .PageNumber (sub $p.PageNumber $adjacent_links) ) ( le .PageNumber (add $p.PageNumber $adjacent_links) ) }}
{{ $s.Set "page_number_flag" true }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
<!-- Simple page numbers. -->
{{ else }}
{{ $s.Set "page_number_flag" true }}
{{ end }}
<!-- Show Pager. -->
{{- if eq ($s.Get "page_number_flag") true -}}
{{ if not (eq $pagenumber .PageNumber) }}
<a href="{{ .URL }}" class="pagination-link"
aria-label="Goto page {{ .PageNumber }}">
{{ .PageNumber }}
{{ else }}
<a class="pagination-link is-current"
aria-label="Page {{ .PageNumber }}">
{{ .PageNumber }}
{{ end }}
{{- end -}}
{{ end }}
{{ if gt $p.TotalPages $max_links }}
<!-- Late (More Pages) Indicator. -->
{{ if lt (add $p.PageNumber $adjacent_links) (sub $p.TotalPages 1) }}
<span class="pagination-ellipsis">…</span>
{{ end }}
<!-- Last Page. -->
{{ if lt (add $p.PageNumber $adjacent_links) $p.TotalPages }}
<a href="{{ $p.Last.URL }}" class="pagination-link"
aria-label="Goto page {{ $p.TotalPages }}">{{ $p.TotalPages }}</a>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
Browser: Pagination Preview
Consider check out the result:
- 480px screen wide
- 640px screen wide
- 800px screen wide
How does it works ?
You can see the detail in bootstrap article.
7: Responsive
Goal: Bringing responsive pagination, using mobile first.
While writing this CSS code, I can’t claim myself as a developer. Because CSS is not a programming language.
But weird that, responsive design has their own logic. So yeah, I have to code, a little.
This is what we want to achieve in this tutorial.
We will achieve this with Hugo code.
Layout: List
Change our previous blog list to use this paginator below:
- themes/tutor-05/layouts/archives/list.html.
{{ $paginator := .Paginate (where .Site.Pages "Type" "post") }}
{{ partial "pagination/05-responsive.html" (dict "p" $paginator "s" .Scratch) }}
We require this custom SASS
- themes/tutor-05/sass/css/_pagination.sass
+tablet a:after
content: " previous" a:before
content: "next "
// Breakpoint
$xs1: 0
$xs2: 320px
$xs3: 400px
$xs4: 480px
$sm1: 576px
$sm2: 600px
$md: 768px
$lg: 992px
$xl: 1200px
// Responsiveness
display: none
display: none
display: inline-block
display: inline-block
display: inline-block
display: inline-block
display: inline-block
display: inline-block
display: inline-block
Partial: Pagination Responsive
Complete code is here below:
- themes/tutor-05/layouts/partials/pagination/05-responsive.html :…/partials/pagination/05-responsive.html.
<nav class="pagination is-small is-centered"
role="navigation" aria-label="pagination">
{{ $s := .s }}
{{ $p := .p }}
{{ if gt .p.TotalPages 1 }}
<ul class="pagination-list">
<!-- Page numbers. -->
{{- $pagenumber := $p.PageNumber -}}
<!-- Number of links either side of the current page. -->
{{ $adjacent_links := 2 }}
<!-- $max_links = ($adjacent_links * 2) + 1 -->
{{ $max_links := (add (mul $adjacent_links 2) 1) }}
<!-- $lower_limit = 1 + $adjacent_links -->
{{ $lower_limit := (add 1 $adjacent_links) }}
<!-- $upper_limit = $paginator.TotalPages - $adjacent_links -->
{{ $upper_limit := (sub $p.TotalPages $adjacent_links) }}
<!-- Previous Page. -->
<li class="blog-previous">
{{ if .p.HasPrev }}
<a class="pagination-previous"
href="{{ .p.Prev.URL }}"
rel="prev">« </a>
{{ else }}
<a class="pagination-previous"
title="This is the first page"
disabled>« </a>
{{ end }}
{{ if gt $p.TotalPages $max_links }}
<!-- First Page. -->
{{ if gt (sub $p.PageNumber $adjacent_links) 1 }}
<li class="first">
<a href="{{ $p.First.URL }}" class="pagination-link"
aria-label="Goto page 1">1</a>
{{ end }}
<!-- Early (More Pages) Indicator. -->
{{ if gt (sub $p.PageNumber $adjacent_links) 2 }}
<li class="pages-indicator first">
<span class="pagination-ellipsis">…</span>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{- range $p.Pagers -}}
{{ $s.Set "page_number_flag" false }}
<!-- Complex page numbers. -->
{{ if gt $p.TotalPages $max_links }}
<!-- Lower limit pages. -->
<!-- If the user is on a page which is in the lower limit. -->
{{ if le $p.PageNumber $lower_limit }}
<!-- If the current loop page is less than max_links. -->
{{ if le .PageNumber $max_links }}
{{ $s.Set "page_number_flag" true }}
{{ end }}
<!-- Upper limit pages. -->
<!-- If the user is on a page which is in the upper limit. -->
{{ else if ge $p.PageNumber $upper_limit }}
<!-- If the current loop page is greater than total pages minus $max_links -->
{{ if gt .PageNumber (sub .TotalPages $max_links) }}
{{ $s.Set "page_number_flag" true }}
{{ end }}
<!-- Middle pages. -->
{{ else }}
{{ if and ( ge .PageNumber (sub $p.PageNumber $adjacent_links) ) ( le .PageNumber (add $p.PageNumber $adjacent_links) ) }}
{{ $s.Set "page_number_flag" true }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
<!-- Simple page numbers. -->
{{ else }}
{{ $s.Set "page_number_flag" true }}
{{ end }}
{{- if eq ($s.Get "page_number_flag") true -}}
<!-- Calculate Offset Class. -->
{{ $s.Set "page_offset" (sub .PageNumber $p.PageNumber) }}
{{ $s.Set "page_offset_class" "" }}
{{- if ge ($s.Get "page_offset") 0 -}}
{{ $s.Set "page_offset_class" (print "pagination--offset-" ($s.Get "page_offset") ) }}
{{- else -}}
{{ $s.Set "page_offset_class" (print "pagination--offset" ($s.Get "page_offset") ) }}
{{- end -}}
<!-- Show Pager. -->
<li class="{{ $s.Get "page_offset_class" }}">
{{ if not (eq $pagenumber .PageNumber) }}
<a href="{{ .URL }}" class="pagination-link"
aria-label="Goto page {{ .PageNumber }}">
{{ .PageNumber }}
{{ else }}
<a class="pagination-link is-current"
aria-label="Page {{ .PageNumber }}">
{{ .PageNumber }}
{{ end }}
{{- end -}}
{{ end }}
{{ if gt $p.TotalPages $max_links }}
<!-- Late (More Pages) Indicator. -->
{{ if lt (add $p.PageNumber $adjacent_links) (sub $p.TotalPages 1) }}
<li class="pages-indicator last">
<span class="pagination-ellipsis">…</span>
{{ end }}
<!-- Last Page. -->
{{ if lt (add $p.PageNumber $adjacent_links) $p.TotalPages }}
<li class="last">
<a href="{{ $p.Last.URL }}" class="pagination-link"
aria-label="Goto page {{ $p.TotalPages }}">{{ $p.TotalPages }}</a>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
<!-- Next Page. -->
<li class="blog-next">
{{ if .p.HasNext }}
<a class="pagination-next"
href="{{ .p.Next.URL }}"
rel="next"> »</a>
{{ else }}
<a class="pagination-next"
title="This is the last page"
disabled> »</a>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
Browser: Pagination Preview
Consider check out the result:
- 480px screen wide
- 640px screen wide (cropped)
- 800px screen wide (cropped)
How does it works ?
You can see the detail in bootstrap article.
8: Screenreader
Goal: Bringing screen reader accessability in pagination.
There will be no such change for the look.
It will remain the same as responsive
Screenreader Class
I just follow bulma guidance:
To hidden content visually, you simply need to add is-sr-only.
<span class="is-sr-only">Hidden Content</span>
Alternatively you can use fontawesome class that is similar to bootstrap.
<span class="sr-only">Hidden Content</span>
This content can be read by screenreader.
Layout: List
Change our previous blog list to use this paginator below:
- themes/tutor-05/layouts/archives/list.html.
{{ $paginator := .Paginate (where .Site.Pages "Type" "post") }}
{{ partial "pagination/06-screenreader.html" (dict "p" $paginator "s" .Scratch) }}
Partial: Pagination Screenreader
Complete code is here below:
- themes/tutor-05/layouts/partials/pagination/06-screenreader.html :…/partials/pagination/06-screenreader.html.
<nav class="pagination is-small is-centered"
role="navigation" aria-label="pagination">
{{ $s := .s }}
{{ $p := .p }}
{{ if gt .p.TotalPages 1 }}
<ul class="pagination-list">
<!-- Page numbers. -->
{{- $pagenumber := $p.PageNumber -}}
<!-- Number of links either side of the current page. -->
{{ $adjacent_links := 2 }}
<!-- $max_links = ($adjacent_links * 2) + 1 -->
{{ $max_links := (add (mul $adjacent_links 2) 1) }}
<!-- $lower_limit = 1 + $adjacent_links -->
{{ $lower_limit := (add 1 $adjacent_links) }}
<!-- $upper_limit = $paginator.TotalPages - $adjacent_links -->
{{ $upper_limit := (sub $p.TotalPages $adjacent_links) }}
<!-- Previous Page. -->
<li class="blog-previous">
{{ if .p.HasPrev }}
<a class="pagination-previous"
href="{{ .p.Prev.URL }}"
<span class="is-sr-only">Previous</span>
{{ else }}
<a class="pagination-previous"
title="This is the first page"
disabled>« </a>
{{ end }}
{{ if gt $p.TotalPages $max_links }}
<!-- First Page. -->
{{ if gt (sub $p.PageNumber $adjacent_links) 1 }}
<li class="first">
<a href="{{ $p.First.URL }}" class="pagination-link"
aria-label="Goto page 1">
<span class="is-sr-only">Goto page </span>1</a>
{{ end }}
<!-- Early (More Pages) Indicator. -->
{{ if gt (sub $p.PageNumber $adjacent_links) 2 }}
<li class="pages-indicator first">
<span class="pagination-ellipsis">…</span>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{- range $p.Pagers -}}
{{ $s.Set "page_number_flag" false }}
<!-- Complex page numbers. -->
{{ if gt $p.TotalPages $max_links }}
<!-- Lower limit pages. -->
<!-- If the user is on a page which is in the lower limit. -->
{{ if le $p.PageNumber $lower_limit }}
<!-- If the current loop page is less than max_links. -->
{{ if le .PageNumber $max_links }}
{{ $s.Set "page_number_flag" true }}
{{ end }}
<!-- Upper limit pages. -->
<!-- If the user is on a page which is in the upper limit. -->
{{ else if ge $p.PageNumber $upper_limit }}
<!-- If the current loop page is greater than total pages minus $max_links -->
{{ if gt .PageNumber (sub .TotalPages $max_links) }}
{{ $s.Set "page_number_flag" true }}
{{ end }}
<!-- Middle pages. -->
{{ else }}
{{ if and ( ge .PageNumber (sub $p.PageNumber $adjacent_links) ) ( le .PageNumber (add $p.PageNumber $adjacent_links) ) }}
{{ $s.Set "page_number_flag" true }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
<!-- Simple page numbers. -->
{{ else }}
{{ $s.Set "page_number_flag" true }}
{{ end }}
{{- if eq ($s.Get "page_number_flag") true -}}
<!-- Calculate Offset Class. -->
{{ $s.Set "page_offset" (sub .PageNumber $p.PageNumber) }}
{{ $s.Set "page_offset_class" "" }}
{{- if ge ($s.Get "page_offset") 0 -}}
{{ $s.Set "page_offset_class" (print "pagination--offset-" ($s.Get "page_offset") ) }}
{{- else -}}
{{ $s.Set "page_offset_class" (print "pagination--offset" ($s.Get "page_offset") ) }}
{{- end -}}
<!-- Show Pager. -->
<li class="{{ $s.Get "page_offset_class" }}">
{{ if not (eq $pagenumber .PageNumber) }}
<a href="{{ .URL }}" class="pagination-link"
aria-label="Goto page {{ .PageNumber }}">
<span class="is-sr-only">Goto page </span>{{ .PageNumber }}
{{ else }}
<a class="pagination-link is-current"
aria-label="Page {{ .PageNumber }}">
<span class="is-sr-only">Page </span>{{ .PageNumber }}
{{ end }}
{{- end -}}
{{ end }}
{{ if gt $p.TotalPages $max_links }}
<!-- Late (More Pages) Indicator. -->
{{ if lt (add $p.PageNumber $adjacent_links) (sub $p.TotalPages 1) }}
<li class="pages-indicator last">
<span class="pagination-ellipsis">…</span>
{{ end }}
<!-- Last Page. -->
{{ if lt (add $p.PageNumber $adjacent_links) $p.TotalPages }}
<li class="last">
<a href="{{ $p.Last.URL }}" class="pagination-link"
aria-label="Goto page {{ $p.TotalPages }}">
<span class="is-sr-only">Goto page </span>{{ $p.TotalPages }}</a>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
<!-- Next Page. -->
<li class="blog-next">
{{ if .p.HasNext }}
<a class="pagination-next"
href="{{ .p.Next.URL }}"
rel="next"> »
<span class="is-sr-only">Next</span>
{{ else }}
<a class="pagination-next"
title="This is the last page"
disabled> »</a>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
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What is Next ?
Now the pagination tutorial is done. I think this is all for now.
Just like this adorable kitten, you may feel excited. Consider resume our tutorial.
There are still some interesting topic, about Content in Hugo such as Page Post. Consider continue reading [ Hugo - Content ].
Thank you for reading.