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Goal: Custom content output example: json, text, yaml

There is no such thing as custom output in Hexo. We cannot just do it natively without plugin.

But there is a trick do it. These takes a few steps.

Source Code

You can download the source code of this article here.

Extract and run on CLI:

$ npm install

1: Inside HTML Template

This is the ugliest trick.

Supposed you need to extract data from your blog in yaml format, you can put it inside a pre element.

Layout: EJS Archives YAML Inside HTML

<main role="main" 
     class="column is-full blog-column box-deco has-background-white">
  <article class="blog-post">
    <h1 class="title is-4"><%= %></h1>
    <h2 class="subtitle is-4"><%= config.subtitle %></h2>

# Helper for related links
# <%= page.title %>

<% site.posts.each(function(post){ %>
- id: <%= date(, "YYMMDDmm") %>
  title: "<%= post.title %>"
  url: <%= post.path %>
<% }) %>


Content: Archives YAML Inside HTML

It is time apply this kind of custom page layout. All you need to do is add layout in frontmatter.

layout: kind/yaml
title: Archives

Render: Browser

Open in your favorite browser.

Hexo Bulma: Archives YAML Inside HTML

This will show something similar as below:

# Helper for related links
# Archives


- id: 15051535
  title: "Susan Wong - I Wish You Love"
  url: 2015/05/15/lyrics/natalie-cole-i-wish-you-love/

- id: 18091335
  title: "Norah Jones - Shoot The Moon"
  url: 2018/09/13/lyrics/norah-jones-shoot-the-moon/


We need to get rid of the HTML tag, and get pure YAML.

2: Prepare: Default Template

This preparation is required

Layout: EJS Layout

We need to ignore original layout whenever needed.

  • themes/tutor-04/layout/layout.ejs
  var layout='kind/default'

  if ((page.layout=='kind/text') 
  ||  (page.layout=='kind/json')){
<%- partial(layout) _%>


Layout: EJS Default

And move the original layout to kind/default.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<%- partial('site/head') %>
<%- partial('site/header') %>

  <div class="columns is-8 layout-base maxwidth">
    <%- body %>

<%- partial('site/footer') %>
<%- partial('site/scripts') %>

Your site should work as usual. Now check your site, if thi default layout is working well.

3: Plain Text

We are almost ready to make custom non html output. But in this step we are still using .html mime type.

Layout: EJS Archives YAML Without Markup

# Helper for related links
# <%= page.title %>

<% site.posts.each(function(post){ %>
- id: <%= date(, "YYMMDDmm") %>
  title: "<%= post.title %>"
  url: <%= post.path %>
<% }) %>

Content: Archives YAML Without Markup

It is time apply this kind of custom page layout. All you need to do is add layout in frontmatter.

layout: kind/text
title: Archives

Render: Browser

Open in your favorite browser.

Hexo Bulma: Archives YAML Without Markup

Well it still ugly. Of course, it is still using html mime type. You have to look at the source.

Hexo Bulma: Source of Archives YAML

Content: Javascript Mime Type

Alternatively, you can rename source/archives-text.html, to source/archives-text.js.

This will directly show the text. But remember, this mime type is javascript, and your content is yaml.

Still not good!


This is the closest thing to custom output so far. Why not make a custom output in JSON instead of YAML?

Layout: EJS Archives JSON as JS Mime

  var count = site.posts.length
  var i = 0;
    "id": <%= date(, "YYMMDDmm") %>,
    "title": "<%= post.title %>",
    "url": "<%= post.path %>"
  }<% if (i!=count){%>,<% } %>
<% }) _%>


Content: Archives JSON as JS Mime

It is time apply this kind of custom page layout. All you need to do is add layout in frontmatter.

layout: kind/json

Render: Browser: Site

Open in your favorite browser.

Hexo Bulma: Archives JSON as JS Mime

This will show something similar as below:

    "id": 15010108,
    "title": "Dead Poet Society",
    "url": "2015/01/01/quotes/dead-poets-society/"
    "id": 15100308,
    "title": "Every Day",
    "url": "2015/10/03/quotes/every-day/"

Render: Browser: File

To check the right JSON mime, save it somewhere in your computer, and open it in browser.

Hexo Bulma: Archives JSON File

5: Summary

Since we have some more layout kind, we need to summarize the layout.

$ tree themes/tutor-04/layout/kind 
├── categories.ejs
├── default.ejs
├── json.ejs
├── landing.ejs
├── tags.ejs
├── text.ejs
└── yaml.ejs

0 directories, 7 files

Hexo Layout: Custom Output

And the related content is

$ ls source/archives-*

Hexo Content: Custom Output

What is Next ?

Consider continue reading [ Hexo - Widget ]. There are, some interesting topic, about Hexo miscellanous range loop, such widget in a sidebar.

Thank you for reading.