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Goal: Add Navigation to pagination, combined with simple numbering.

Source Code

This article use tutor-07 theme. We will create it step by step.

1: Prepare

We are still using pagination number, but this time with navigation.

Preview: General

This is what we want to achieve in this tutorial.

11ty Pagination: Number Pagination with Navigation

Layout: Nunjucks Blog

In blog.njk, you can use:

  • pagination/02-number-nav-01 partial, or

  • pagination/02-number-nav-02 partial

  • pagination/02-number-nav-03 partial

2: Navigation: Outside List Style

Consider give it a complete navigation:

  • prev, next, and

  • first, last

Layout: Nunjucks Blog

  {% include "pagination/02-number-nav-01.njk" %}

Bulma Pagination

We can utilize example from Bulma official documentation. Which has a very nice looks.

{% set totalPages = pagination.links.length %}
{% set current    = pagination.pageNumber + 1 %}

{% if totalPages > 1 %}
<nav class="pagination is-small is-centered" 
     role="navigation" aria-label="pagination">

    <!-- First Page. -->
    {% if current  > 1 %}
      <a class="pagination-previous hoverable"
         href="{{ pagination.firstPageLink }}"
    {% else %}
      <a class="pagination-previous"
         title="This is the first page"
    {% endif %}

    <!-- Previous Page. -->
    {% if pagination.previousPageLink %}
      <a class="pagination-previous hoverable"
         href="{{ pagination.previousPageLink }}" 
    {% else %}
      <a class="pagination-previous"
         title="This is the first page"
    {% endif %}
    <!-- Next Page. -->
    {% if pagination.nextPageLink %}
      <a class="pagination-next hoverable"
         href="{{ pagination.nextPageLink }}"
    {% else %}
      <a class="pagination-next"
         title="This is the last page"
    {% endif %}

    <!-- Last Page. -->
    {% if current  != totalPages %}
      <a class="pagination-next hoverable"
         href="{{ pagination.lastPageLink }}"
    {% else %}
      <a class="pagination-next"
         title="This is the last page"
    {% endif %}

    <ul class="pagination-list">
    <!-- Page numbers. -->
    {% for cursor, link in pagination.links | hashIt %}
      {% if cursor != current  %}
        <a class="pagination-link hoverable"
           href="{{ link }}"
           aria-label="Goto page {{ cursor }}">
          {{ cursor }}
       {% else %}
       <a class="pagination-link is-current {{ color }}" 
           aria-label="Page {{ cursor }}">
          {{ cursor }}
      {% endif %}
    {% endfor %}

{% endif %}

Browser: Pagination Preview

Which shown nice pagination.

11ty Pagination: Outside List Style

3: Navigation: Inline List Style

Alternatively you can wrap all the navigation, inside ul li tags.

Layout: Nunjucks Blog

  {% include "pagination/02-number-nav-02.njk" %}

Bulma Pagination

Consider give it a complete navigation:

  • prev, next, and

  • first, last

But this time, put the navigation inside the <li>...</li>.

{% set totalPages = pagination.links.length %}
{% set current    = pagination.pageNumber + 1 %}

{% if totalPages > 1 %}
<nav class="pagination is-small is-centered" 
     role="navigation" aria-label="pagination">

    <ul class="pagination-list">

      <!-- First Page. -->
      {% if current > 1 %}
        <a class="pagination-previous hoverable"
           href="{{ pagination.firstPageLink }}"
      {% else %}
        <a class="pagination-previous"
           title="This is the first page"
      {% endif %}

      <!-- Previous Page. -->
      {% if pagination.previousPageLink %}
        <a class="pagination-previous hoverable"
           href="{{ pagination.previousPageLink }}"
      {% else %}
        <a class="pagination-previous"
           title="This is the first page"
      {% endif %}

    <!-- Page numbers. -->
    {% for cursor, link in pagination.links | hashIt %}
      {% if cursor != current  %}
        <a class="pagination-link hoverable"
           href="{{ link }}"
           aria-label="Goto page {{ cursor }}">
          {{ cursor }}
       {% else %}
       <a class="pagination-link is-current {{ color }}" 
           aria-label="Page {{ cursor }}">
          {{ cursor }}
      {% endif %}
    {% endfor %}

      <!-- Next Page. -->
      {% if pagination.nextPageLink %}
        <a class="pagination-next hoverable"
           href="{{ pagination.nextPageLink }}"
      {% else %}
        <a class="pagination-next"
           title="This is the last page"
      {% endif %}

      <!-- Last Page. -->
      {% if current != totalPages %}
        <a class="pagination-next hoverable"
           href="{{ pagination.lastPageLink }}"
      {% else %}
        <a class="pagination-next"
           title="This is the last page"
      {% endif %}


{% endif %}

We simply use these &raquo; and &laquo; for navigation icon.

Browser: Pagination Preview

Which shown, another kind of pagination.

11ty Pagination: Inline List Style

Bulma capable to show both, without any custom stylesheet.

Responsive Stylesheet: Bulma Mixins

By the help of mixins/breakpoints, we can write it in bulma style.

  li.icon-previous a:after
    content: " Previous"
  li.icon-next a:before
    content: "Next "
  li.icon-first a:after
    content: " First"
  li.icon-last a:before
    content: "Last "

SASS: Bulma Breakpoint Variables.

Bulma 0.7, or Bulma 0.8 breakpoints are defined as below.

// The container horizontal gap,
// which acts as the offset for breakpoints

$gap        : 64px !default
$tablet     : 769px !default
$desktop    : 960px + (2 * $gap) !default
$widescreen : 1152px + (2 * $gap) !default
$fullhd     : 1344px + (2 * $gap) !default

Responsive Class

Now we can add class in each respective element.

{% set totalPages = pagination.links.length %}
{% set current    = pagination.pageNumber + 1 %}

{% if totalPages > 1 %}
<nav class="pagination is-small is-centered" 
     role="navigation" aria-label="pagination">

    <ul class="pagination-list">

      <!-- First Page. -->
      <li class="icon-first">

      <!-- Previous Page. -->
      <li class="icon-previous">

      <!-- Page numbers. -->
      {% for cursor, link in pagination.links | hashIt %}
      {% endfor %}

      <!-- Next Page. -->
      <li class="icon-next">

      <!-- Last Page. -->
      <li class="icon-last">


{% endif %}

Browser: Responsive Pagination Preview

In tablet screen, this will show different looks

11ty Pagination: Responsive Inline List Style

4: Navigation: Font Awesome

We can improve the looks of inline list style above.

Layout: Nunjucks Blog

  {% include "pagination/02-number-nav-03.njk" %}

Bulma Pagination

{% set totalPages = pagination.links.length %}
{% set current    = pagination.pageNumber + 1 %}

{% if totalPages > 1 %}
<nav class="pagination is-small is-centered" 
     role="navigation" aria-label="pagination">

    <ul class="pagination-list">

      <!-- First Page. -->
      {% if current > 1 %}
        <a class="pagination-previous hoverable"
           href="{{ pagination.firstPageLink }}"
          <span class="fas fa-step-backward"></span>&nbsp;</a>
      {% else %}
        <a class="pagination-previous"
           title="This is the first page"
          <span class="fas fa-step-backward"></span>&nbsp;</a>
      {% endif %}

      <!-- Previous Page. -->
      {% if pagination.previousPageLink %}
        <a class="pagination-previous hoverable"
           href="{{ pagination.previousPageLink }}"
          <span class="fas fa-backward"></span>&nbsp;</a>
      {% else %}
        <a class="pagination-previous"
           title="This is the first page"
          <span class="fas fa-backward"></span>&nbsp;</a>
      {% endif %}

    <!-- Page numbers. -->
    {% for cursor, link in pagination.links | hashIt %}
      {% if cursor != current  %}
        <a class="pagination-link hoverable"
           href="{{ link }}"
           aria-label="Goto page {{ cursor }}">
          {{ cursor }}
       {% else %}
       <a class="pagination-link is-current {{ color }}" 
           aria-label="Page {{ cursor }}">
          {{ cursor }}
      {% endif %}
    {% endfor %}

      <!-- Next Page. -->
      {% if pagination.nextPageLink %}
        <a class="pagination-next hoverable"
           href="{{ pagination.nextPageLink }}"
          <span class="fas fa-forward"></span></a>
      {% else %}
        <a class="pagination-next"
           title="This is the last page"
          <span class="fas fa-forward"></span></a>
      {% endif %}

      <!-- Last Page. -->
      {% if current != totalPages %}
        <a class="pagination-next hoverable"
           href="{{ pagination.lastPageLink }}"
          <span class="fas fa-step-forward"></span></a>
      {% else %}
        <a class="pagination-next"
           title="This is the last page"
          <span class="fas fa-step-forward"></span></a>
      {% endif %}


{% endif %}

Browser: Pagination Preview

Which shown, another kind of pagination.

11ty Pagination: Inline List Style with Awesome Font

Responsive Stylesheet: Bulma Mixins

By the help of Bulma’s mixins/breakpoints, we can put additional rules in pagination stylesheet.

  li.icon-previous a:after
    content: " Previous"
  li.icon-next a:before
    content: "Next "
  li.icon-first a:after
    content: " First"
  li.icon-last a:before
    content: "Last "
  li.icon-previous a span.fas,
  li.icon-next a span.fas,
  li.icon-first a span.fas,
  li.icon-last a span.fas
    display: none

Responsive Class

Now we can add class in each respective element.

  • icon-first

  • icon-previous

  • icon-next

  • icon-last

Browser: Responsive Pagination Preview

In tablet screen, this will show different looks

11ty Pagination: Responsive Inline List Style

What is Next ?

Do not get confused yet. Keep calm, just like this cute kitten. Our pagination tutorial still have some materials to go.

adorable kitten

Consider continue reading [ Eleventy - Pagination - Adjacent ]. We are going to explore an advance topic, the adjacent pagination.

Thank you for reading.